Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthday Blessings!

Thanks to all of you for remembering my 55th birthday! It was memorable for several reasons. One is that Liz created this website. I've wanted a better way to communicate with all of you for some time now. I grew up in the days of the old-fashioned circle letters that made their way through the families via snail mail. It was always an exciting day when the letter finally arrived after months of circulating! Then we'd take out our letter, put a new one in, and send it on! Needless to say, this is far superior. I don't know really how it works, but today is my first attempt at a post! I recieved some lovely gifts and put any cash toward the repair of my $10,000 violin. I haven't played it in 10+ years and am feeling inspired to pull it out again. It was in disrepair and cost $500 to fix! Ouch! Vani gave me a blender using her Best Buy gift cards that she recieved for her b'day. How nice is that! It's time for protein shakes for the family - especially with Vani playing tennis so much and Elias running towards Tech! Another great gift was JC buying a term life insurance policy for the family. That is a first for us, believe it or not! So he had to get stuck for blood twice and go through the invasive interview process, but he passed with flying colors! He also hooked us up with a spring break destination through his many connections and we are so excited to be going. You are all welcome to come to Rosemary Beach any time the week of Apr 4-11. It will be a last fling for Elias before graduation which is May 23. Seriously, if you want to come, there is room. There were many other birthday blessings... I have had a chronic skin condition for several years that is clearing up because of a new medication on the market. My friend Renee Harlin (the bunny lady) came into town from San Fran and we had lunch. Ralph and Vicki Hale (longterm missionaries to Russia from the Vineyard) moved back to the states and are our brand new neighbors! And Dad and I attended a most inspiring fundraising event for a place called Hillsdale College, a conservative think tank that accepts no governnment funding to educate its students and places a huge emphasis on the upholding of our constitution. I read the book Liberty and Learning and now am off to pick up the new book Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levine. Our political climate is making me into a huge conservative! Maybe we can make some kind of difference in our country yet, esp if Dad runs for political office down the road! Of course, my best b'day blessings are you, my wonderful 8 children plus 2 most exceptional daughters-in-law. Each year that God gives me to watch you grow into God-fearing, productive adults is such a delight to my heart! Thanks again for making my birthday special! Love, Mom

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